Thursday, June 9, 2011

And I don't even like bacon

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet tenderloin pig beef ribs meatball pork. Pork chop bacon chuck, pork belly jerky pancetta tri-tip t-bone ball tip sausage jowl turkey. Fatback tenderloin drumstick, ham hock shoulder sausage swine meatloaf pancetta ham ribeye tail ground round. Meatball tongue turkey shankle ham sirloin pastrami, meatloaf short ribs beef ribs venison pork loin. Meatloaf tongue tail short ribs cow beef ribs, jowl sirloin shank swine pancetta t-bone drumstick. Jowl ball tip pork strip steak, ham hock ribeye bresaola. Venison beef pork chop, shank chicken tail ham.

Chicken tail tongue, corned beef spare ribs pork belly hamburger meatloaf turkey jowl strip steak tri-tip pork flank beef ribs. Spare ribs tail flank cow tenderloin bacon shankle tongue. Flank jowl short ribs, ball tip beef venison meatball strip steak. Tail t-bone pork chop short loin, jowl chicken turkey. Sirloin chicken drumstick flank, beef salami ham tail beef ribs jerky pig tongue. Sirloin t-bone short loin cow turkey. Tail tongue pork chop, ball tip sausage short loin shoulder.

Ball tip pastrami chuck venison chicken, flank rump short loin sausage tenderloin. Beef ribs shoulder bresaola, sausage t-bone rump short ribs pork belly jerky turkey meatball biltong corned beef shankle shank. Shoulder beef ribs jerky, tenderloin hamburger pork belly ball tip. Corned beef short ribs swine cow, biltong hamburger beef turkey. Turkey chuck shoulder beef t-bone, ribeye spare ribs ball tip biltong pancetta tri-tip hamburger. Beef spare ribs t-bone bacon. Hamburger meatloaf ham hock venison tri-tip flank, swine spare ribs pork belly drumstick cow pastrami corned beef.

Swine salami t-bone, sirloin ball tip meatloaf biltong short loin. Ball tip drumstick short loin pork belly pig, shank bresaola turkey beef venison salami tenderloin shankle fatback. Tri-tip ground round bresaola bacon sirloin pork belly, strip steak pork loin meatloaf biltong jowl ball tip rump. Biltong pastrami tenderloin chuck strip steak venison. Biltong rump ham hock corned beef strip steak sirloin salami. Beef pastrami strip steak cow short loin sausage. Rump tri-tip jowl shoulder, shankle pig spare ribs turkey short loin flank bresaola jerky ball tip shank fatback.

Pancetta hamburger t-bone spare ribs pastrami shankle pork belly flank. Ham hock ground round strip steak ham drumstick ribeye. Meatball fatback ground round, strip steak bacon pork belly pancetta venison meatloaf drumstick jowl. Sirloin jowl corned beef, beef pig ham shoulder ribeye cow pancetta shank tri-tip ham hock. Bresaola pancetta meatball pork belly. Swine pork chop t-bone meatloaf short ribs sirloin. Meatloaf chicken bresaola shoulder strip steak pancetta.

Friday, April 15, 2011


Huh does it work

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

About Me

As the Community Manager, I have the most awesome job in the entire world. I get to wander around the internets and read YOUR blog and talk to you all day on Chatter, Twitter and Facebook. I answer a lot of email, too. (You can always reach me at denise @ if you have BlogHer related questions, though asking on Chatter is often a wee bit quicker.)

I have the most awesome family in the world too.

My partner and I live in the Chicagoland suburbs (which is not the most awesome place in the world to live) with three of our six kids. (The other three are all grown up and living on their own.) My partner's mom (and her little dog too) lives with us as well. I sometimes blog about things we do in Chicago. You can find those stories at Crazy in Chicago.

Besides the dog, we have a very loud cockatiel who we're hoping will move out when the middle child goes to college and we have three prairie dogs. Yes, prairie dogs. You can follow their exploits at Prairie Dog Digest.

I read a lot, but not as much as my partner does, and the only TV I watch is Survivor. Now if Buffy or Gilmore Girls returned to TV....